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  • mcarrierdamon2

Cucumber Christmas Trees

Another holiday food that is almost too cute to eat! These cucumber trees are not only fun to make, but yummy to eat!


⭐️ Cheese (block)

⭐️ Cucumber

⭐️ Grape Tomatoes

⭐️ Toothpicks (not to be consumed)


⭐️ Prepare your ingredients to build your tree.

⭐️ Slice your cheese and use a food cutter to cut out a small star for the top of the tree.

⭐️ Take a peeler and slice a thin slice of cucumber.

⭐️ Cut a grape tomato in half. Make sure to get more round tomatoes versus oval. These are our base of the tree.

⭐️ Take your toothpick and start building.

⭐️ It can be easiest to first make the tree by looping the cucumber through the toothpick so it’s ribboned.

⭐️ Then place the cucumber and toothpick down onto the top of the tomato half.

⭐️ Lastly, add your cheese star to the top.

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